The State of AI in B2B Marketing Currently, B2B marketers are using AI primarily to gather better data and insights, increase efficiency, and achieve time savings. February 17, 2025
The Global State of B2B Events Companies are investing more in B2B events, with an increased emphasis on smaller, in-person gatherings. July 29, 2024
The End of Averages for Marketing Budgets Marketers should look deeper into several metrics to set their budgets, not just their peers’ spending. December 10, 2023
Outlook for B2B Marketing: A Market in Transformation Although B2B marketing expenditures are expected to continue to grow over the next five years, the ways in which firms intend to spend their budgets vary significantly. August 27, 2023
The B2B Marketing Benchmark: A Global Look at the State of B2B Marketing A recent survey of B2B marketers revealed that both budgets and the use of AI are expected to grow in the coming years. June 19, 2023
What Changes Are B2B Marketers Anticipating to Their Budgets Next Year? As B2B marketers forecast how they will spend their allotted resources in 2023, a recent survey revealed similarities and areas of divergence. January 8, 2023