The B2B Marketing Benchmark: A Global Look at the State of B2B Marketing
A recent survey of B2B marketers revealed that both budgets and the use of AI are expected to grow in the coming years.
ISBM at the Penn State Smeal College of Business – Academic Institute supporting B2B Research. Switch to the ISBM-Corporate website.
A recent survey of B2B marketers revealed that both budgets and the use of AI are expected to grow in the coming years.
Although many firms desire complete knowledge of all of their customers, proficiency in marketing measurement distinguishes those who succeed.
For B2B marketers, investments in channel relationships are a key area of focus in 2023.
Chatbots are not only increasingly used in B2B industries to generate leads, but also have been associated with improved conversion rates.
As B2B marketers forecast how they will spend their allotted resources in 2023, a recent survey revealed similarities and areas of divergence.
The rise of B2B influencers, particularly on LinkedIn, is a trend worth noting and a marketing approach worth examining for B2B firms.
With numerous levers available to B2B CMOs with a revenue growth focus, six key actionable items have emerged from a large-scale survey.
Forbes outlines several important “calls to action” for B2B marketers in 2022.
Reacquiring lost customers is, in part, facilitated by company cultures that are moderately tolerant of failure.
The Common Language Marketing Dictionary can help define key terms for marketers.
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