Wilson-Sheth Award
ISBM David T. Wilson-Sheth Foundation Award for Long Term Impact in B2B Marketing Call for Nominations
Nominations are due no later than April 1, 2021 for the ISBM-David T. Wilson-Sheth Foundation Award for Long Term Impact in B2B Marketing. This award is made biennially to a paper published in a refereed journal that has made a significant long run impact on the theory and practice of B2B Marketing.
The award is named in honor of the late Penn State Professor David T. Wilson, a leading B2B scholar and founding Managing Director of the ISBM (Institute for the Study of Business Markets).
The winner will receive a cash award of $2000 along with a plaque of recognition and will be honored at a special session of the ISBM Academic Conference to be held virtually in August 2021.
To be eligible, a paper should have been published between 2006 and 2016.
The paper should be primarily or exclusively on an issue or issues specific to B2B marketing, that is, the building of mutual value-generating relationships (including goods and services) between organizations (which include businesses, government agencies and not-for-profit organizations) and the many individuals within them. Thus manufacturer-retailer, pharmaceutical firm-doctor, firm-information intermediary, firm-government, and agribusiness-farmer relationships fall within the B2B domain as defined here.
Measures of Impact
The winning paper should have made significant impact, both in academia and in practice. As measures of impact, nominators should consider the following criteria, and possibly others.
- citations,
- press coverage,
- magnitude of subsequent work that builds on the paper,
- applications in practice
- applications in litigation,
- use in PhD reading lists and seminars,
- use in undergrad, MBA or Executive teaching.
High impact papers normally have one or more of the following characteristics: (1) show the field something that it did not know before, (2) show a new way of thinking about a problem or issue and/or (3) open up a new field of inquiry.
Nominations are invited from any individuals and self-nominations are permitted. The nominations should include a pdf of the nominated paper as well as a nominating letter, not to exceed 500 words, that addresses the impact criteria above.
Nominations should be directed to Stefan Wuyts, ISBM Director (suw282@psu.edu) who will serve as chair of the award committee. Other committee members are Andrew Petersen, Penn State and ISBM Associate Director, Gary Lilien, Penn State, ISBM Research Director Emeritus, and Ruth Bolton, Arizona State University, and Sheth Foundation Board President.
The winner will be announced May 31, 2021.
To view previous winners visit https://www.shethfoundation.org/grants/isbm-wilson-sheth-foundation-award/