2024 B2B Influencer Marketing Report
93% of customers think that influencer marketing helps achieve business goals.
ISBM at the Penn State Smeal College of Business – Academic Institute supporting B2B Research. Switch to the ISBM-Corporate website.
93% of customers think that influencer marketing helps achieve business goals.
To more effectively measure marketing’s impact, B2B organizations must be aware of five key insights.
Although a strong partnership between the CEO and the CMO can drive growth, there are three key sources of friction that organizations must first overcome.
Trends in B2B markets indicate that the COVID-19-related growth in e-commerce will continue for years to come.
Customer satisfaction can be used as a leading indicator for future cost of selling, an important consideration for investors.
As consumers become more aware of data gathering efforts by firms, companies have been forced to evolve in their data analytics efforts. The article highlights current developments in the data analytics domain.
In this Issue:
– ISBM’s B2B Academic Conference and PhD Camp for Research in B2B Markets
– Feature: Choosing and Managing B2B Marketing Metrics (Andrew Petersen)
– From the Membership: Next Members Meeting Customer Engagement as a Differential in B2B Growth and Profitability (Lynn Yanyo)
– IPSS Update: Fall Lineup
– 2018 Dissertation Support Award Competition Announcement
As marketers sometimes we feel like we are stuck in a never-ending loop of creation and idea generation. Once you finish one campaign – off to the next! This article in the Harvard Business Review provides a mix of B2C and B2B examples of innovative ways that companies have adjusted to think beyond marketing. Operating like a startup could be the key to staying agile.
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