The NPD Game Is Won or Lost in the First Five Plays: How AI Can Help in Product Innovation (Cooper 2025)
AI can assist with a multitude of tasks during the fuzzy front end.
ISBM at the Penn State Smeal College of Business – Academic Institute supporting B2B Research. Switch to the ISBM-Corporate website.
AI can assist with a multitude of tasks during the fuzzy front end.
The often employed Stage-Gate system can be enhanced by considering sustainability-related aspects of new product development.
Companies can benefit from emphasizing the benefits they provide along with the products they sell.
Although AI possesses the potential to assist in the NPD process, implementation rates are often low.
AI is already transforming the way firms conceive, develop, and launch new products. But where and how do you begin this journey?
To succeed in new product development, the role of operations should be emphasized.
A recent survey of ISBM member firms revealed that AI adoption is poised to grow.
The AIM Institute studied 50 new product development teams from 20 B2B companies that had conducted B2B customer interviews. Five in six teams reported that these customer interviews impacted their product design. This means that if you don’t interview B2B customers to formulate new product objectives, your customer insight is probably lacking. Most new product development teams would develop substantially different products if they truly understood their B2B customer needs. In the report ‘Guessing at B2B Customer Needs’, the AIMS Institute discussed the method of interviewing customers.
This presentation outlines best practices for B2B product development market research.
Based on the webinar leader’s book by the same title, “Winning at New Products” this webinar looks at the latest thinking and best practices in new-product development. Also, we see the most up-to-date Stage-Gate system and how it works. A must for anyone wanting to improve their R&D productivity or to update their idea-to-launch methods, especially critical as we move into Digital Transformation.
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