Salesperson Dual Agency in Price Negotiations (Lawrence et al. 2021)
Salespeople who act as advocates for both buyers and sellers can achieve better financial outcomes for their firms.
ISBM at the Penn State Smeal College of Business – Academic Institute supporting B2B Research. Switch to the ISBM-Corporate website.
Salespeople who act as advocates for both buyers and sellers can achieve better financial outcomes for their firms.
A B2B selling “playbook” can provide a helpful structure to increase the effectiveness of sales teams.
Demand centers can provide a valuable service for B2B marketers, but their adoption often requires a redefinition of sales and marketing team roles within organizations.
Instead of opting for a one-size-fits-all approach to value-based selling, firms may be better served by adopting product-, customer process-, or performance-centric approaches.
A new B2B selling environment in which buyers prefer remote interactions and self-service necessitates a new approach to lead generation.
With inflation on the rise, B2B companies can follow five strategies to increase prices following a period of time in which many cut prices for their customers.
AI allows businesses to be even more agile, a critical benefit for the longer sales cycles found in the B2B world.
New developments in consumer tracking online will require innovative approaches from B2B marketers.
Improving the B2B buying experience can reap significant rewards for digitally savvy firms.
B2B organizations can use data-driven insights to allow their salesforce to spend more time on core tasks.
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