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B2B Research Webinar Series – Customer Concentration and Firm Performance – Insights from a Cross-Disciplinary Meta-Analysis (Ljubomir Pupovac)

This presentation is from a former ISBM Doctoral Support Competition Winner, Ljubomir Pupovac. Ljubo is currently a Lecturer from UNSW Business School. His research work is titled “Customer Concentration and Firm Performance – Insights From A Cross-Disciplinary Meta-Analysis”. During this 1 hour webinar, the presenter discusses their research for about 30 minutes. Then, a discussant spends 10-15 minutes providing feedback on the research, followed by Q&A. The session discussant is Rajkumar Venkatesan from the University of Virginia.

B2B Research Webinar September 17 2020

B2B Research Webinar Series – A Structural Model of a Multitasking Salesforce: Multidimensional Incentives and Job Design (Minkyung Kim)

This presentation is from a former ISBM Doctoral Support Competition Winner, Minkyung Kim from UNC Chapel Hill. Her research work is titled “A Structural Model of a Multitasking Salesforce:  Multidimensional Incentives and Job Design”. During this 1 hour webinar, the presenter discusses their research for about 30 minutes. Then, a discussant spends 10-15 minutes providing feedback on the research, followed by Q&A. The session discussant is Murali Mantrala from the University of Kansas.

Business-to-Business E-Negotiations and Influence Tactics (Singh et al. 2020)

Sales negotiation over email exchanges between sellers and buyers (e-negotiation) is increasingly common in B2B sales. The use of influential tactics as textual cues in emails to manage buyers’ attention significantly affects sales outcomes. To test the effectiveness of influential tactics in e-negotiations, the authors of this study analyze seller-buyer emails over a two-year period part of 40 e-negotiations, along with other data sources and a controlled experiment. In an era where remote working is more prevalent than ever, e-negotiations are more important than ever. It underscores the relevance of this research. 


Strategies to Connect with Barricaded Buyers (Chase and Murtha)

When responding to a Request for Proposal (RFP) in both the public and the private sector, suppliers’ access to buyers is often restricted due to law and informal rules of engagement. The authors term these buyers ‘barricaded buyers’. Despite having limited access to these individuals, suppliers can still increase their competitiveness and selection likelihood when selling to barricaded buyers. 

Open doors

How More Accessible Information Is Forcing B2B Sales to Adapt

B2B buyers are not longer “information seekers” but have become “super experts”. This Harvard Business Review article explains how B2B sellers need to align their selling approach to the buyer who is increasingly independent and highly informed. Smart sellers will find a solution that is consistent yet customized.

marketing in uncertain times town hall

Marketing in Uncertain Times – How To Thrive in the New Remote Engagement World (Jip Inglis, Steve Hurley and Matt Leary)

This session of Marketing in Uncertain Times Town Hall focuses on skills, tips, and tools you can use to thrive in our new remote environment and stay engaged and build rapport when you can’t be face-to-face.  Hear from expert panelists Jip Inglis, Ascension Growth & Innovation Strategies, Steve Hurley and Matt Leary, Solutions Insights, Inc.  with moderator/ISBM Executive Director, Lynn Yanyo. A replay of the event is available.

missing puzzle piece

Dynamic Governance Matching in Solution Development (Colm, Ordanini, and Bornemann)

B2B firms are increasingly shifting to offer service solutions as competitive and commoditization threats increase. However, much of these shifts to service-oriented offerings have generated mixed results. The authors investigate this problem as a governance problem and highlight that the different phases of solutions development (experimentation, integration, and evolution) expose actors to various governance tensions.

broken heart

Understanding the Impact of Customer Relationship Disruptions Resulting from Salesperson Change (Schmitz et al.)

It is widely believed that a B2B relationship disruption, which refers to the change of the salesperson in a customer relationship with another salesperson within the same firm, results in negative consequences such as a loss of customer knowledge, diminished interpersonal trust, and increased uncertainty. However, some B2B relationship disruptions also have positive effects that countervails some of the negative effects of disruptions. Results of this study indicate that relationship disruption can decrease resale value by 28.8% but it can also revitalize the relationship and increase new sales revenue by 52.2%.

shaking hands

Leading Sales Teams Through Uncertainty

What works for selling in times of economic expansion is not what works for selling in times of crisis. In addition, between 25% and 50% of the sales professionals in US companies never had to sell during an economic downturn… and thus, ready experience on dealing with selling in crisis is not abundant. This Harvard Business Review article on leading sales teams through uncertain times describes three principles that were useful during the 2001 crisis.

Disentangling the effect of services on B2B firm value: Trade-offs of sales, profits, and earnings volatility (Nezami, Worm, and Palmatier)

Many B2B manufacturers have moved from their previously successful product-centric strategies to more service-oriented business models. Yet despite their substantial investments in services, firms fail to understand the performance ramifications of these offerings. With a longitudinal data set of 227 B2B manufacturers listed in the S&P 1500 index, this study disentangles the simultaneous effects of financial-based mechanisms that link the service ratio (i.e., share of a firm’s revenue generated from selling services) to firm value.