Winning Strategies for B2B SaaS Companies
The B2B SaaS sector is predicted to continue growing, with human resources being the top growth segment.
ISBM at the Penn State Smeal College of Business – Academic Institute supporting B2B Research. Switch to the ISBM-Corporate website.
The B2B SaaS sector is predicted to continue growing, with human resources being the top growth segment.
93% of customers think that influencer marketing helps achieve business goals.
As B2B advertising budgets continue to rise, marketers will have more resources than ever to target specific audiences.
A recent survey of B2B marketers revealed that both budgets and the use of AI are expected to grow in the coming years.
Chatbots are not only increasingly used in B2B industries to generate leads, but also have been associated with improved conversion rates.
Video advertising is a tool that savvy B2B firms should consider utilizing even more in 2023.
Can you document your lead generation from social media? Beyond awareness, can you measure the financial impact from social media engagement? Brian Graves shares the examples and tangible successes from a dedicated, consistent social media program at Romeo Rim.
In this presentation, Amy Balliett the CEO of Killer Visual Strategies and leading expert in visual communication, will shed light on the subtle visual elements that could drastically impact user experience, customer conversions, and product flow. She’ll share how to plan for future expectations while grounding your work in the unmovable constants that fuel our own psychological response to experience design and marketing.
The COVID-19 crisis affects many functions of an organization. Focusing on messaging, Godfrey formulated advice on how to adapt communication. Varying from email campaigns to (virtual) sales calls and social media plans, both content and tone require attention. The advice has been summarized by five tips.
B2B marketing and communication is a child of the industrial revolution, i.e., sell what you can make to anyone you can find. Thus the marketing focus has been on outbound systems, customer acquisition, lead generation and sales force support. Technology, customers, competitors, the rise of brands and today’s global and networked organizations, all have changed how B2B marketing must be planned, developed and conducted. This chapter focuses on the need for shared value creation, a new service orientation, viewing customers as assets and income flows, marketing activity consumption and reciprocity as the drivers of B2B in the transformational marketplace.
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