5 Predictions for B2B Marketing in 2023
In determining areas of focus for 2023, B2B marketers should emphasize increased digitization of processes.
ISBM at the Penn State Smeal College of Business – Academic Institute supporting B2B Research. Switch to the ISBM-Corporate website.
In determining areas of focus for 2023, B2B marketers should emphasize increased digitization of processes.
In B2B industries, reducing customer purchasing effort can be a key contributor to future growth.
As more and more buyers opt to utilize firm-generated content online over traditional in-person information gathering with salespeople, crafting engaging content is more important than ever.
A survey of 50 global B2B leaders revealed five key strategies that can ensure a successful sales future.
With uncertainty surrounding future economic conditions, forward-looking B2B firms may need to become even more customer-focused.
B2B buyer behavior has changed radically over the past few years, requiring firms to develop increased selling sophistication.
Investments in firstline sales managers, sales transformation initiatives, and e-commerce are three critical areas of emphasis for B2B firms.
To effectively use marketing technologies, a close collaboration must be formed between marketing and information technology groups within an organization.
Accommodating the differing payment method preferences of B2B and B2C buyers can create value for B2B sellers.
Although many firms are inclined to decrease investments during economic downturns, investing in brand purpose may be a more prudent strategy.
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