The State of Chatbots in B2B Demand Generation
Chatbots are not only increasingly used in B2B industries to generate leads, but also have been associated with improved conversion rates.
ISBM at the Penn State Smeal College of Business – Academic Institute supporting B2B Research. Switch to the ISBM-Corporate website.
Chatbots are not only increasingly used in B2B industries to generate leads, but also have been associated with improved conversion rates.
This presentation outlines best practices for B2B product development market research.
In the age of COVID-19, should companies still engage in market research? Should companies – perhaps better put, how can companies do market research? Could the current crisis even benefit companies that want to field the voice of the customer? Gerry Katz – Vice Chairman of Applied Marketing Science – is an expert of the topic of VOC (Voice of the Customer). He weighs in on how the COVID-19 crisis affects market research.
ISBM’s Marketing in Uncertain Times series continues with our second Town Hall, another impactful installment on how marketing professionals can
Many B2B suppliers are seeking the benefits of being more market-driven to aid both product innovation and commercial engagement for their consumer-driven customers. This presentation is about how Lubrizol is developing an Insights culture and capability through a pragmatic approach, focused on selling and storytelling.
This presentation outlines best practices for B2B product development market research and focuses on market research and its role in customer engagement; the 12 common errors in carrying out B2B market research; B2B market research practices that you can put into effect right away; B2B market research case studies; and a practical roadmap for implementation.
This presentation by Liam Fahey covers how to translate domain change insights (about customers, competitors, and products/solutions) into business implications (mindset shifts, strategy, and execution).
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© 2020 ISBM – Institute for the Study of Business Markets