Salesperson Dual Agency in Price Negotiations (Lawrence et al. 2021)
Salespeople who act as advocates for both buyers and sellers can achieve better financial outcomes for their firms.
ISBM at the Penn State Smeal College of Business – Academic Institute supporting B2B Research. Switch to the ISBM-Corporate website.
Salespeople who act as advocates for both buyers and sellers can achieve better financial outcomes for their firms.
In B2B markets, firms entering licensing agreements should consider licensing experience as a key factor when making monitoring decisions.
In sales negotiations, building trust at the beginning of an interaction can lead to significantly higher back end revenue.
The goals of the 2021 ISBM B2B Trend Study© are (1) to identify research priorities for the academic B2B marketing community and (2) to guide course content and other offerings for the corporate ISBM community.
Platform-level buyer protection insurance can not only increase purchases from buyers, but also, accelerate customer acquisition for sellers.
A new B2B selling environment in which buyers prefer remote interactions and self-service necessitates a new approach to lead generation.
The use of temporary organizations in B2B settings continues to be substantial, but the selection of suppliers and pricing strategies is a key challenge for firms employing diverse teams of specialists.
Although managers often do not consider the degree of system modularity when making their governance choices, recent work has found that they should.
Reacquiring lost customers is, in part, facilitated by company cultures that are moderately tolerant of failure.
Customer satisfaction can be used as a leading indicator for future cost of selling, an important consideration for investors.
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